WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT: Our newly released Jalapeño was custom crushed in Murcia, Spain. This oil has high aromas of fresh jalapeño pepper and garden aromas with an unmistakable olive fruitiness and pristine mouthfeel. The aroma is off the charts with complex and balanced flavors of hot, tangy, and fruity green jalapeño pepper flavors. Upon tasting, the flavors instantly release into a bouquet of spicy, mouthwatering jalapeño spicy sensations. While not as hot as our red cayenne, the spicy green pepper mouthfeel lingers in a pleasant way similar to other agrumato-style olive oils without the intense burn.
TRY PAIRING IT WITH: Traditional 18 Year Style, Strawberry, Honey Ginger, Mango, Peach
ENHANCES: avocado, seafood (especially white fish and shrimp), rice dishes, garlic, poultry, sweet potatoes, vegetables, salsa, mango, pineapple
SUGGESTIONS: Try it wherever you normally use hot sauce. Drizzle over pastas or pizza! Stir into your hummus or guacamole to add a fresh jalapeño note. Add to mayo and aioli for a spicy spread or vegi dip. Make jalapeno and herb croutons - awesome as a snack, or with salads and soups! Mix with fresh lemon or lime juice to make a marinade for shrimp, halibut, cod or ceviche. Use in place of or enhance fresh jalapenos when making your own salsa,